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为探索低质低效次生林经营改造技术,以广东省古兜山南亚热带次生林为研究对象,通过树种引入套种更新试验,进行优良树种的选择评估。研究以生长适应性、经济效益、生态功能和景观功能为树种选择的主要依据,确定了13项定性和定量分级指标,采用4分制建立各项指标的分级标准,运用层次分析法,构建了南亚热带次生林引入套种树种的评价指标体系,对试验林中7.5 a生的引入套种树种的综合表现进行分析与评价。结果表明,69个引入套种树种的综合评价值分布在1.74~3.08之间,树种间综合表现差异明显,壳斗科、樟科、金缕梅科等本地植物区系优势科的树种表现较好。在树种综合表现值的基础上,根据树高、胸径的年均生长量将套种树种分为速生型、中等速生型和慢生型3个类型,评选出综合表现值在2.5以上的优良树种37个,其中速生型树种7个、中等速生型树种17个、慢生型树种13个,为南亚热带次生林引入套种以及人工促进更新树种的合理选配提供参考。
关键词:   次生林;更新;树种;层次分析法;南亚热带
分类号 S756.4
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划课题“生态公益林树种选择与高效栽培技术研究与示范”(2012BAD22B05);国际热带木材组织项目“旨在提高经济和生态效益的热带地区次生林经营研究与示范”(PD 294/04)
Study on the Seletion of Tree Species for the Gudou Mountain Secondary Forests Regeneration by Interplanting
lian Huiming,Cai Yanling,Yin Zuoyun,Zeng Linghai,Zhang Qian and He Boxiang
Guangdong Academy of Forestry,,,,
Studies on the selection of tree species for the south subtropical forests regeneration by interplanting was carried out in Gudou Mountain in Guangdong. A tree species evaluation system was established in which growth adaptability, economic value, ecological function and landscaping benefit were key issues. Thirteen traits/indices of trees were integrated into the system as suitability indicators and a fourgrade system was established for quantitatively evaluating indicators. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was adopted to determine the weights of each index. According to the score and weight of each index, 69 kinds of introduced tree species were integrative evaluated with the investigation and information search when the regeneration stand was 7.5 years old. The result showed that the composite evaluating value, according which 69 tree species were classed into three growth types, was between 1.74 to 3.08. There were obvious differences of the comprehensive performance among the tree species. The tree species of Fagaceae, Lauraceae and Hamamelidaceae displayed remarkable suitability in the stand. It was suggested that 37 tree species with a composite evaluating value > 2.5 were selected as the adaptive species for the south subtropical forests regeneration by interplanting, including 7 species of fastgrowing type, 17 species of secondary fastgrowing types and 13 species of slowgrowing type.
Key words:   econdary forest;regeneration;tree species;analytic hierarchy process;south subtropical